Ep 9 - Harder Than It Looks with Jon DeMoss

Phrases like "no pain, no gain" have shaped our perception of exercise unknowingly for years. Many of us approach exercise as a form of punishment or damage control for our food choices. Many of us exercise to reach a weight goal or a certain aesthetic. We talk about getting our summer bodies and earning our food after a hard work out. We see posts about how many calories you have to burn to work off a candy bar and how many minutes on a treadmill will get you there. We know the benefits of exercise run deeper than appearances, and yet we continue to approach it from the outside in; ignoring our body's cues, pushing through pain, physically abusing ourselves in an attempt to reach a weight goal that sounds good without questioning whether or not it's realistic.

Jon DeMoss, owner of Synergy Wellness and Performance, challenges all notions of what exercise is and how it fits in to your overall health. In this episode, he explains how the biggest obstacles to achieving your fitness goals do not come from your body, but from your mind. Jon challenges his clients physically, by taking his athletes down to the most fundamental movement patterns and building a solid athletic foundation. He also challenges his clients mentally, by diving into the reasons behind your health and fitness goals. Jon dives into the real questions: Are your goals realistic? What do you seek to gain from achieving them? Synergy is not just a gym, it is a place where you can find guidance towards improving your health in all areas, mind, body, and soul.

'Harder Than It Looks' has been an official motto for Synergy for years because from the outside, some movements may not seem like much. But anyone who has tried it can tell you that Synergy is a place where the change begins from the inside out...and that is never easy.

If you've been wanting to start a fitness routine and get healthier but you keep putting it off (or you have no idea where to even begin), this episode is for you. If you have recently had surgery and you're looking to get back into fitness but you're worried about hurting yourself, this episode is for you. If you have been an avid exerciser for years but you've plateaued, or your body feels worse instead of better, this episode is for you. If you are an athlete looking to improve your game and keep your body from wear and tear of your sport, this episode is for you!

Show notes:

Jon mentions DNS (Dynamic Neuromuscular Solutions) and PRI (Postural Restoration Institute) practitioners.

While Jon mentions Wim Hof breathing, ice-and-fire breathing, the book Breath by James Nestor, and the book Oxygen Advantage by Patrick McKeowan, he most highly recommends ShiftAdapt.com as taking the best of all options and synergizing them.

Jon also references Original Strength.

Dr. Nutt and Jon discuss Functional Range Conditioning, created by Dr. Andreo Spina.

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Dr. Chelsea Nutt